1543 results for Data modeling
  • If you import more than one table into Power BI or Power Pivot, you have a data model. When you have more than one table, you usually have relationships between tables. When you analyze data, you often have many choices…  Read more

  • The infographic “Space Report” submitted to the Best Report Contest in Power BI is not only a collection of nice charts and graphics. There are several little gems implemented to overcome certain limitations, as you will read in this article.  Read more

  • SQLBI is now offering a new Data Modeling video course: Introduction to Data Modeling for Power BI. This article describes which users will benefit from this learning experience the most, and how to enroll in the course.  Read more

  • Data lineage is such a well-implemented DAX feature that most developers use it without knowing about it. This article describes data lineage and how it can help in producing better DAX code.  Read more

  • I have a long experience in working on reporting systems based on semantic models. Now we call them “self-service BI”, but the principles are the same we had in DSS (decision support system), OLAP (on-line analytical processing), and many other…  Read more

  • When you create a data model in Power BI, you should consider how to properly use naming convention and what columns to include, in order to improve usability and performance. This article provides a quick list of best practices valid…  Read more

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